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Our reviews

(242 Reviews)
Your trust is our top concern, so Himalayan Kitchen can't alter or remove it's reviews.

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July 19, 2024
Always Excellent food and service

July 16, 2024
Excellent as always!

July 16, 2024
Amazing food, hot and lots of it!

July 09, 2024
Fast and friendly service. Always amazing quality food!

July 04, 2024
Very good, we tried a couple starters along with two main dishes and naan. Very pleased 😀 will be ordering again, hopefully we can come in to eat one day. Thanks again

June 23, 2024
Always excellent. Never fails. Fabulous food and people.

June 16, 2024
The food was good, as usual. We were, though, a bit disappointed,that a tip of 18.30 was included to a pick-up order.

June 12, 2024
Delicious, I enjoyed it. It took a long time to deliver, over an hour.

June 03, 2024
Excellent as always.

May 31, 2024
By far the best butter chicken I’ve ever had in my entire life! Keep up the good work💕